ENSEK's Industry Pricing Engine Demo and Q&A

Apr 2, 2020

Tommy Mortberg

Written By

Tommy Mortberg

Head of Pre-Sales

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Wednesday 22nd April, 10am - Join our team for an introductory demo and Q&A session

In a time where remote working is essential, we'll be taking you through a demo and Q&A of ENSEK's new Industry Pricing Engine.

Our expert team will demonstrate how the advanced pricing tool can help your teams collaborate on B2B Energy Contracts, keep things consistent for your customers.

Date: Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Time: 10:00BST

Register for the Industry Pricing Engine Webinar here. <<Registration now closed>>

What is the Industry Pricing Engine?

The Industry Pricing Engine is a cloud-based pricing solution capable of increasing your team's speed and accuracy when proposing customer contracts.

Enable your sales team to work from a single platform, allowing them to view the activity each individual is working on, reducing potential issues for customers.

The tool is fully-digital, scalable and flexible, meaning it grows with your supply business. Optimise your selling processes using advanced architecture and seamless integrations with Salesforce, DocuSign and ENSEK's SaaS platform.

Your hosts

David Mvula

David Mvula, Commercial Manager at ENSEK

David has worked with small and large energy suppliers in trading, pricing, operations and credit control. David is one of the people charged with delivering ENSEK's innovation strategy into new markets and geographies, as retail energy continues on its journey towards a digital transformation of legacy systems. Currently David is involved in a team that is using big data and machine learning to enhance credit management and optimise collections so suppliers can retain value.

Emma Lovell, Marketing Manager at ENSEK

Emma has nearly a decade of experience both within corporate and agency marketing, spanning across technology, data, retail and FMCG. Emma works with all teams across ENSEK to ensure the energy industry has the choices it needs for innovative disruption and growth, as well as using a SaaS platform that provides energy users with consistency and excellent customer experience.

Register for the Industry Pricing Engine Webinar here <<Registrations now closed>>

Find out more and Register

Sign up to the webinar and submit your questions ahead of the session.

Register for the Industry Pricing Engine webinar here. <<Registrations now closed>>

Understand more about the Industry Pricing Engine ahead of the webinar and how it can unlock and safer and faster sales process. Watch the video below.

Have a query? Click the link below to get in touch.