ENSEK team continues to grow in 2021

Feb 19, 2021

Tommy Mortberg

Written By

Tommy Mortberg

Head of Pre-Sales

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International expansion, new offices, and a growing team

There’s no denying that 2020 was a year of the unexpected. However, adapting quickly to challenges, the ENSEK team has continued to move from strength to strength. To support our growth we are looking for more skilled, passionate people to join the team.

At the beginning of last year ENSEK acquired the Belgian-based company, NRGFin, now ENSEK Benelux. The acquisition kicked off ENSEK’s international expansion, giving us a platform to support energy suppliers not just in the UK, but also across Belgium and the Netherlands.

ENSEK specialises in providing a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform to energy providers. Our customers are looking to adapt to changing consumer behaviours and increase margins, often for further technology and renewable energy investments.

Being a software company, we’re proud that our infrastructure enabled us to transition seamlessly to home working and keep all our employees operational either full time, or to a schedule that works with their new normal.

We’ve welcomed over 80 new ‘ENSEKers’ since March 2020 and will be continuing to hire throughout the year across the UK, Belgium and our newest territory, Australia. Our people are our biggest strength and the efforts from existing employees to make new starters feel part of a team they haven’t yet met are truly commendable.

As well as expanding our numbers, we’re also expanding our floorplan. Renovations are almost complete on our new 1,400 square metre space in the heart of Nottingham, ready to welcome our people back to the office when it is safe to do so. The space will include bespoke training areas, collaboration spaces, a spacious kitchen and breakout area, a courtyard with outdoor seating, and will be COVID-compliant from day one.

In a time when many companies are embracing working from home and scaling down their offices, we’ve listened to our people and are doing what we can to nurture ENSEK’s community feel. Flexible, hybrid working in a purpose-built space will enable the team to build the lasting personal connections with their own teams and others across departments as the company evolves further.

If you’d like to be part of ENSEK’s growing team, take a look at our current vacancies.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Head to our careers page and submit your CV, we’ll let you know when we’ve got something to suit you.

Have a query? Click the link below to get in touch.